Moving On
Lambing season is over (except for one sheep that I bought and is due much later). For people who like numbers the stats are on my website in the Farm Talk column--things like how many ewe lambs and number of twin births, etc. It's actually interesting to me to see the tallies. Here is one of the last ewes to lamb. This is a yearling, Eliza, with a pretty ewe lamb.
The weather was gorgeous this weekend and I got serious about sorting wool. Here is a sample from a particularly nice fleece. This is a yearling out of Meridian Diamond and bide a wee Yuri--the crimp in this fleece looks like Yuri's did. Maybe you have to be a spinner to appreciate this.
I have a lot of wool to sort and I find myself getting distracted. I sat in the barn and took photos. This is Stephanie below.
And Amaryllis.
This banty hen sets on a nest of eggs all summer even though there has been no rooster since I've lived here.
Once she settles on a nesting place I transfer her to this rubber feeder so that I can move it if necessary to get to a bale of hay. I started marking the eggs so that I could take the freshest, but then I lost track. Now I just let her have all she wants.
I got distracted by poppies too, but that will be another post.